欢迎,你好!Sweet Chili is where I want to talk about art, photography, fashion, family, food, culture, traveling and other significant little things in my life. Any use of the pictures in the blog is welcome, as long as I'm aware of it and there's a clear reference to my site. 如需使用博客中的图文,只要标明来源到这里,我都非常欢迎!

I use English because I'm lazy, and this is a blog based on my other account with Blogger, link: www.sweetchilifashion.com. 我会在一些地方添加中文翻译或者新内容,但主体还是会和英文版博客相同。

3样可以快速提升搭配质感的投资:1. 一个好包(¥¥¥¥)。不一定是设计师品牌,主要看样式是否自己喜欢,是否能应对多种场合,皮质/金属硬件质感如何,岁月的痕迹是否能增添材质本身的魅力。 2. 一件合身的西装剪裁外套(¥¥¥)。我从前学生时候一点也不懂这样的衣服好看在哪里,只觉得死板严肃。后来渐渐成熟,也接触了更多环境,才发现一件剪裁合适的外套无论在任何环境下,都能为整套搭配加分。即使全身其他地方没有放一点心思,一件修身的外套也能让人更加自信地走出门。这里推荐几件藏青色的西装小夹克,比黑色更有趣,和不那么死气沉沉一些。  3. 一段放空大脑的休闲时光(¥)。每隔几天,给自己放一个小假,即使只有半个钟头。看看自然,看看工作家庭之外自己兴趣所在的地方。想想除了日常琐事和雄心壮志以外的,那些“无关痛痒”“琴棋书画”的小心情,关心一下自己的内心,维护一下大脑的细胞,给他们一个呼吸的空档。一个喝饱了水,吸足了养分的轻松心情,会让整个人的气色都看起来不一样。

As much as we want to shop all the items on our wishlist, it usually doesn't happen because we have good money senses and we give ourselves certain budgets(well, at least for most of the time). So let's say it's a happy payday, or time to drop a hint for an important one on one of those celebrated days of the year, what do we want to spend more on, to give an instant boost to ourselves? 

1.A good quality, statement bag of the season/for the many seasons to come. 

Having used the Chloé drew bag, I'm throughly convinced by the quality,the ability to hold stuff despite the petit look, and a beautiful shape and style that's bound to last and age beautifully. 

Any drew bag on sale, is for sure a good bargain. And I've found a great deal on Luisaviaroma, who's giving a good 10-15% off on all the "permanent" collections that don't usually go in the sale. And this little piggy is in there too:


2. A good tailoring jacket. It doesn't matter how casual or smart the rest of the outfit is, a good tailoring will always flatter your body shape, give an instant boost for a more put together look. 

// PAUL & JOE Fortti Tailored Blazer from VeryExclusive.com SALE //

// TOMMY HILFIGER Joline Double Breasted Blazer from VeryExclusive.com SALE //

// Balmain Double Breasted Wool Twill Jacket from Luisaviaroma ON OFFER //

// BY MALENE BIRGER Indigo Sineaka Fringed Blazer from VeryExclusive.com SALE //

3. Some quality down time, wondering in a museum or garden, or any oasis for your mind or body. Even just for half an hour, take yourself away from office/housework, look at beautiful things, let your thoughts go far far away, around the world, into the outer space even. You'll come back into real life more energised, with a more relaxed body and soul. I guarantee that this will be the best investment you make on yourself. Plus it's almost free, until you order a coffee and a cake like I did.

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