欢迎,你好!Sweet Chili is where I want to talk about art, photography, fashion, family, food, culture, traveling and other significant little things in my life. Any use of the pictures in the blog is welcome, as long as I'm aware of it and there's a clear reference to my site. 如需使用博客中的图文,只要标明来源到这里,我都非常欢迎!

I use English because I'm lazy, and this is a blog based on my other account with Blogger, link: www.sweetchilifashion.com. 我会在一些地方添加中文翻译或者新内容,但主体还是会和英文版博客相同。

11月的京都皇城/旅行搭配--京都皇城算是京都旅行的一站吧?应该是吧?本来很笃定的我在去到空无一人的皇城以后变得有些不确定。不过怎么样还是从搭配说起。旅行到后面几天,身上的单品都被重复利用起来搭配了。今天天阴阴的,于是把呢子小西装外套加在了厚实的牛仔裙上面。牛仔裙里头还穿了Uniqlo Heattech的打底衣裤。为了在本来色彩单调的搭配上加个亮点,带了前一天逛街时新买的羊绒贝雷帽。(我知道是绿的,不过只绿了一半,应该没什么关系吧:)) 手包本来选择了Gucci Dionysus的手拿包,觉得质感和呢子外套以及帽子的米色都有呼应到。结果临出门时开始飘雨,为了一手拿伞还有一只手能拍拍照什么的,只好改背了有肩带的Mulberry Delphie。还好这只包可以正反两面背,所以即使前面已经被过一百次(见前几篇游记搭配),现在翻一面还是有耳目一新的感觉,还能和帽子的绿色呼应。


// Tweed Blazer (similar) from Topshop //

// Black Warming Leggings from HEATTECH Uniqlo //

// Gucci Dionysus Belt Bag as A Clutch from Net-a-Porter //

// Glamorous Indigo Shirt Dress(similar) Exclusive from ASOS //

 // Black Trainers (similar) from Nike on ASOS.com //

// Reversible Bag from Mulberry Delphie //



Late autumn is one of the most popular seasons to visit Kyoto, simply because of the changing colours of the leaves. 

The day came when I was ready to go explore the famous red leaves in the Imperial Palace of Kyoto. I wore a turquoise ombre beret(which I bought the previous day in Kyoto) thinking that this way I wouldn't get lost in the trees.  


// Tweed Blazer (similar) from Topshop //

// Black Warming Leggings from HEATTECH Uniqlo //

// Gucci Dionysus Belt Bag as A Clutch from Net-a-Porter //

// Glamorous Indigo Shirt Dress(similar) Exclusive from ASOS //

 // Black Trainers (similar) from Nike on ASOS.com //

And as it started drizzling when we headed out, I gave up on carrying the clutch bag but went for:

// Reversible Bag from Mulberry Delphie //

So that I had both hands free.(Well actually just one, because the other was had to hold the umbrella)

Kyoto Imperial Palace (< booking link) has over 200 years of history. A fine proof of how Kyoto, unlike Tokyo, is safe and sound from all the natural disasters in Japan. We only visited it briefly to see the well maintained garden scape, but if you want to go all the way into the palace, please remember to book (very much) in advance. (link is provided just as above).

How funny is it that nature's little season changing game can have one's heart beating and going all "woo" and "ah" at some leaves. But aren't we all creations by the nature after all? 

We had a game to see who could spot the reddest leaf of them all! I was pretty sure I won the game. Because Shang was mostly busy taking pictures of me:)

A beautiful place to visit even on a grey day in the rain like we were. And I'm sure it's even more interesting if you booked an appointment to visit the inside of the palace. (Booking link again: here )

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