欢迎,你好!Sweet Chili is where I want to talk about art, photography, fashion, family, food, culture, traveling and other significant little things in my life. Any use of the pictures in the blog is welcome, as long as I'm aware of it and there's a clear reference to my site. 如需使用博客中的图文,只要标明来源到这里,我都非常欢迎!

I use English because I'm lazy, and this is a blog based on my other account with Blogger, link: www.sweetchilifashion.com. 我会在一些地方添加中文翻译或者新内容,但主体还是会和英文版博客相同。

刚刚过去的周末没想到会在做网站中度过!现在我的主博客 it-is-sweetchili.blogspot.co.uk 已经完全是新模样!不过因为其中还是有一两个小问题,我和网站开发人还在讨论如何解决问题之中,所以接下来的几天可能还会有个多变化!一开始决定开博客纯粹是想分享一些女孩穿衣打扮的灵感,记录一些杂七杂八的想法,和介绍一些好玩好吃的地方。没有想过短短3个月,我会为了这个博客做了这么多事:比如第一次加入了健身房的会员(为了塑造更好的体型),自学了很多拍照和后制的方法,和许多世界各地的博主建立起联系,这次居然还开始研究代码做网站!虽然有时候很累,很花时间,可是让自己从内到外都变得更好更积极更厚脸皮(在更多大街小巷做作的摆拍),这就是我一定会坚持下去的动力!


Literately, I just threw things on myself today. Because there was nothing relaxing about this weekend! I actually got my beloved blog a BRAND NEW LOOK! How exciting! I really hope all you readers like it. (I'm totally in love) But as a complete coding dummy, I definitely spent at least 3 times longer than what most people would do. But thanks to the extremely responsive & helpful Maira Gall(the developer herself), I finally did it! Yay! (And yes I might have done a little patting my own back)

I tried to stay in the softest and most stretchable pieces bearing in mind that I was going to spend most of my day sitting on my sofa facing the laptop. And when I had to go out, I reached out for my partner's denim jacket to toughen up the overall look a bit, and it worked really well! I can't see any boy-friend style beating the real husband clothing, can you?

Boyfriend's jacket(or the equally cool feminine version) // Cashmere hooded jumper // Jeggings // Trainers(similar) // Bag // Ring 

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