欢迎,你好!Sweet Chili is where I want to talk about art, photography, fashion, family, food, culture, traveling and other significant little things in my life. Any use of the pictures in the blog is welcome, as long as I'm aware of it and there's a clear reference to my site. 如需使用博客中的图文,只要标明来源到这里,我都非常欢迎!

I use English because I'm lazy, and this is a blog based on my other account with Blogger, link: www.sweetchilifashion.com. 我会在一些地方添加中文翻译或者新内容,但主体还是会和英文版博客相同。

威尼斯除了本岛,周边的环绕的小岛也有很多出彩的地方。最出名的大概是以色彩斑斓的房屋著称的彩虹岛Burano。可是里Burano现在也成了游人必到的景点之一。岛上的餐厅酒吧,不免开始赚起旅客生意,多多少少影响了就餐体验。可是相较起来鲜为人知的,渡轮下一站Torcello其实是另英国和其他欧美度假者更倾心的一座小岛。岛上的酒店加餐厅:Locanda Cipriani,是英国历来皇室,政客,和欧美艺术/娱乐界名人经常光顾的地方。

最早让这里出名的要数海明威,他对Torcello和Locanda Cipriani.流连忘返,在这里经常一住几个月,写下不少以威尼斯和Torcello为背景的篇章。后面踏着海明威脚步的,就数也数不过来。从现今的英女王夫妇,到曾经的戴安娜查尔斯夫妇,丘吉尔,撒切尔夫人,伊丽莎白泰勒,汤姆克鲁斯,阿尔帕奇诺等等,都是这里的忠实拥护者。可撇开这些虚荣的光环不说,从食物的口味,到就餐的环境,Locanda Cipriani.的确都没的说。

既然来到威尼斯,不坐船来Locanda Cipriani.吃上一餐,怕是说不过去。要避免失望,最好提前一两天预约好位置,记得当天一定尽量准时出席,如果实在计划有变,也打电话过去告知一声。作为旅游城市的店家还是很在意这方面的礼仪的。近几年去过好多城市,许多稍微严肃或者在本地人当中受欢迎的店家,现在已经渐渐开始不接受游客的预定了。就是因为游客不稳定因素太大,经常不守时甚至订了位子不出现。其实真的很可惜,对于旅游者和店家都是损失。所以还是不要给游客冠上不靠谱的名声,和店家建立起互相的尊重和信任。




While the city of Venice itself has everything to offer, one can't help but to venture out and explore a few nearby islands in the Venetian lagoon. Amongst which the most famous include the colourful island of Burano, that is on the wish list of almost every tourist. But before any sightseeing, a great place to eat runs on the very top of my priority list. That is why my first destination has to be Torcello island, for the perfect garden lunch at Locanda Cipriani.

Jumping on a boat and pulling away towards Torcello on a sunny early afternoon, nothing builds up your expectation and appetite as high as that. The short walk from the Torcello dock to Locanda Cipriani is also pleasant and crowd-free.

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