欢迎,你好!Sweet Chili is where I want to talk about art, photography, fashion, family, food, culture, traveling and other significant little things in my life. Any use of the pictures in the blog is welcome, as long as I'm aware of it and there's a clear reference to my site. 如需使用博客中的图文,只要标明来源到这里,我都非常欢迎!

I use English because I'm lazy, and this is a blog based on my other account with Blogger, link: www.sweetchilifashion.com. 我会在一些地方添加中文翻译或者新内容,但主体还是会和英文版博客相同。

冬季日本之行7/9------金沢21世纪美术馆,如果想看全所有的收费展览,可以先买一个冰淇淋,边排队买票,边舔冰淇淋,时间会过得快许多。虽然排队买票的人不少,要等上10来分钟,可是展馆里头的内容还是会值回票价的。内部建筑,藏品,还有非常多的装置艺术,都非常精彩。即使许多收费的项目都没让拍照,但著名的James Turrell天空屋,和Leandro Erlich的游泳池,都没让人失望。非常非常值得到金沢一趟的理由之一!

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